Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the new Creative Touch website and my first blog post

My name is Joan, the owner and creative designer of Creative Touch. My vision and passion is to help people find happiness. Remember how happy we were as children when the recess bell rang. It’s still just that easy to carve as little as 5 minutes out of your day to add a little dose of “Happy”. I created this blog to share and focus on all things pertaining to happiness. But managing emotions, stress relief, goal setting/management, and productivity will have a place here as well. At least that’s the plan at this point. I am actually on this journey with you and looking forward to where all of this leads.

Happiness is the main topic of my blog, but strap in because you will be seeing me, the face behind Creative Touch as well. From time to time, or a lot there will be vlogs here as well. I will share happy stories from my customers, things that made me smile, and who knows what else…

This blog will cover tips to add happiness to your life, and the results of me following my own advice (that should be fun). This blog will also cover using journals and planners to help with emotional wellbeing, stress relief, organization, prioritization and goal management. I know, that’s a LOT. And as if that isn’t enough, wait, there’s more…. This will be raw at times, funny at times, and never boring!

If you like surprises (never know what you’ll find here), your smile muscle needs exercise, or you could use more happiness in your life, this blog is for you.

And I am definitely open to comments, questions and suggestions. Actually, your feedback is encouraged. I will accept complaints as well, but I will read those last. Just shoot me an email.

My goal here really is to brighten your day or at a minimum give you some insight on how to make a crappy day a smidge better. I hope to inspire you with stories, quotes, pictures, tips, a few facts, and last but definitely not least updates from happiness building in my own life.
In the next 6 months, I aim to have 500+ success stories from people that have increased happiness in their life as a result of Creative Touch. My passion is making people smile and I’m committed to doing just that.

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
– Abraham Lincoln