Happy New Year 2022

Welcome to 2022! I’ve been away for a few weeks. I received more Holiday stationary orders than I’ve ever done. That all kept me pretty busy up until Christmas. I stepped away from the studio from Christmas until after January 1. I’m back and excited about the upcoming year. There are some really neat things in store for Creative Touch, that I’m super duper excited to get off the ground.

I just want to say, 2022 is a number that correlates to a date. January 1st is the first day, of the first month of the year. That’s all, there are no magical properties associated to either number. People add a lot of pressure to the first day of the year that is unnecessary. Don’t stress yourself out, don’t feel like you must clean your entire house, make a new or fresh start, start a diet, start working out, start saving, etc…

You can do all the things or nothing at all. Do what makes you happy and don’t give into the hype and pressure of making some big drastic change that you’re inevitably not going to be able to maintain.

Personally… I did nothing New Years Eve and nothing special New Years Day. I played with my new smokeless grill on New Years Day, I grilled some wings and onions. Now they turned out really good, but I questioned the need. I make grilled wings in my skillet, and they are just as good. The smokeless grill, I need to find some recipes to use it.

My non-New Years resolution is to stop eating all the Holiday crap, I’ve been eating since Thanksgiving. I’m not starting some crazy diet, but I am going to lay off the chips, cookies, pies and all the food I don’t typically eat. The one thing that’s going to be hard to step away from is my morning bagel with cream chive cream cheese and smoked salmon…YUMMY. But geez the bagel alone is a bazillion calories, just too much.

Let’s make this year great!

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