Inspire Others To Pay It Forward

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Kindness is contagious?” Most sayings like this come to become widely known because they’re based in truth. Research has found scientific evidence for the…

Use Your Voice To Make A Difference

There are so many ways to reach out and be kind to others. We’ve discussed doing so in big ways and with the simplest of acts. Today, I’d like to…

Make a Big Impact On The World Around You

We’ve talked a great deal about the ways that small acts of kindness can have powerful results. They can truly change someone’s outlook and brighten their day. Today, I’d like…

RAK – FREE and NOT complicated

One thing I’ve learned along the way to becoming proficient at performing random acts of kindness is that it takes practice and creativity. I’ve already shared some ways for you…

Try Doing A Random Act Of Kindness Today

Even after yesterday’s list of ideas to get you started, you still may not be convinced you’re ready to go out there to spread unexpected joy in the world. I…

What is Happiness?

I thought before I got too far down this journey, I would take some time to discuss what happiness really is. According to Websters happiness is: a: a state of…

Why Greeting Cards?

I’ve been asked why would I start a greeting card company when people can send eCards. I saw this on social media and it fit my business perfectly. “You can’t…