Every day, I embrace my journey and find strength in my resilience

The affirmation, ‘Every day, I embrace my journey and find strength in my resilience,’ is a powerful reminder of your innate ability to persevere. But how can we fully embrace this concept in our everyday life?

Firstly, acknowledge your emotions. Grief is a complex mix of emotions – sadness, longing, anger, even moments of joy and happiness. All these feelings are valid and part of your healing journey. When an emotion arises, acknowledge it. It’s okay to not be okay. By recognizing and allowing yourself to feel these emotions, you start to process them and facilitate healing.

Secondly, cultivate self-compassion. Some days will be harder than others, and that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself. Healing doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a process. Self-compassion means understanding your pain and responding with kindness and care, instead of criticism. Self-compassionate people tend to have lower levels of anxiety and depression, both of which can be heightened during periods of grief.

Thirdly, embrace your resilience. Resilience is our capacity to recover from difficulties, to bounce back in the face of adversity. In grieving, resilience doesn’t mean ‘moving on’ or ‘getting over’ your loss. It’s about learning to live with your loss, incorporating it into your life, and moving forward.

To foster resilience, try these suggestions:

  1. Stay connected: Reach out to loved ones, friends, or a support group. Connection with others provides emotional support and strengthens resilience.
  2. Practice self-care: Engage in activities you enjoy. This could be reading, walking in nature, or practicing yoga. Taking care of your physical well-being supports your emotional health.
  3. Express yourself: Journal, paint, or talk about your feelings. Creative expression is a wonderful outlet for your emotions.
  4. Set realistic goals: Small, attainable goals can provide a sense of control and purpose.

Remember, grief is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be navigated. Each day, by embracing your journey and acknowledging your resilience, you’re taking a step towards healing. It’s your journey, your pace, your healing.

Stay strong, and remember: ‘Every day, I embrace my journey and find strength in my resilience’