What is Happiness?

I thought before I got too far down this journey, I would take some time to discuss what happiness really is.

According to Websters happiness is:
a: a state of well-being and contentment : JOY
b: a pleasurable or satisfying experience

The Simple English Wiktionary has a definition for: happiness. Happiness is a feeling of pleasure and positivity. When someone feels good, proud, excited, relieved or satisfied about something, that person is said to be “happy”. … Happiness is usually thought of as the opposite of sadness.

The definition makes happiness seem so attainable and it is. We just need to focus on finding happiness in our day and actually feeling happy.

So, today go out and choose Happy!

Wait, before you leave and never come back, I was only kidding.

I know, if it was just that easy, everyone would do it and the world would be one giant ball of happy. But we can start by taming those negative thoughts. I’m going to work on this and let you know how it goes. The test for me will be driving in traffic in the “GET OUT OF MY WAY LANE”, I mean express lane. You know the far-left lane called the passing lane. Where your NOT supposed to do the minimum speed limit. Whew, I digress, but yes, I will try to tame those negative thoughts while driving in traffic.